Monday, August 21, 2006

Public Reminder

Just watched a movie today, called 'Click'. Have you guys watched it yet? I thought it was a rather good film. The show reminds us much about what we have, or so at least it reminded ME of what I have. It reminded us that life has its aim, and its objective, and we shouldnt stray too far from it. I notice many adults work very hard, so hard that they barely spend any time with their family at all. When asked why, they say they want to make as much money as possible so their family can live a good life. Well, I am no adult, and I have no honest view in this, though right now, if i was placed in my fathers position, i would choose family over job, But as time goes on, and when i finally Do get the choice, im sure the choice would be difficult - as many other fathers have chosen Job over Family. Lets just all remind ourselves once in a while that, family is important. I love my dad, he was always there for me even though he had a tough time in work. Special thanks to Dad for everything all this while.



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