Friday, August 25, 2006

Ahh. Some pictures for your viewing pleasure

heyy guys! my mom went to australia this morning to visit my sister. So i'll be staying with my dad for about 1 week. hhaha. just us guys. =D . i was supposed to wake up this morning to see my mom off at abt 6am. but i only remember waking up at 6, seeing the light reflection underneath my door, and then everything after that was black. =( i slept damn late last night ok! slept at 5! and apparently, according to my dad, she woke up at 5. so darn, should have stayed up abit more to see her off. so i didnt say bye to her. haha.. but she wrote a note for me and stuck it on the computer screen (knowing thats where i'd go and i'd never miss it) i thought it was a rather sweet note from her..

*theres a correction at the line before no.1. the sentence -Pls get rid of babits (should be corrected to bad habbits) while i am away.

Haha.. I sent her an sms after that. Hmm, and then i reformatted my PC again today. was working on it for hours!! started at 10, and now i've just done installing some programs so im blogging. so its roughly, 8 hours??? haha. then while the program was installing i decided to take a picture of my always-halfnaked-dad while he was watching tv. He was kind enough to look my way and smile ^^

haha well thats about it for now. i dunno what else to blog about. so see ya guys later! enjoy!


Thursday, August 24, 2006


Aahh.. I got gaught up wid de Flu bugg.. Itz been a longg dime zinze i god dad. dis morning my lefd nose was blocked. Den in de evening it switched zidez. Now my ride nose is blogged T_T. my head feels heavier Doo! And i have more exams after de holidays.. Shid man.. Have do ged better soon..

=) Dudu

Monday, August 21, 2006

Public Reminder

Just watched a movie today, called 'Click'. Have you guys watched it yet? I thought it was a rather good film. The show reminds us much about what we have, or so at least it reminded ME of what I have. It reminded us that life has its aim, and its objective, and we shouldnt stray too far from it. I notice many adults work very hard, so hard that they barely spend any time with their family at all. When asked why, they say they want to make as much money as possible so their family can live a good life. Well, I am no adult, and I have no honest view in this, though right now, if i was placed in my fathers position, i would choose family over job, But as time goes on, and when i finally Do get the choice, im sure the choice would be difficult - as many other fathers have chosen Job over Family. Lets just all remind ourselves once in a while that, family is important. I love my dad, he was always there for me even though he had a tough time in work. Special thanks to Dad for everything all this while.


Thursday, August 17, 2006


At times life can be just cruel, so cruel that it makes you turn your back on life.
At times life can be just nice, so nice that you forgot to thank life.
Life is fair, so go ahead and piss on life - or enjoy life; however life treats you.
Just don't forget to thank life for being with you.
Remember, its life who stuck with you, not how life treated you.
Be grateful you have life than nothing at all.

Im feeling very happy now.
Why? I have my reasons.
Thank you, life for this happy moment.
Oops - Thank you life for all the happy moments you've given me.
When you treat me bad i swear i'll piss and shit on you;
but I know you know we're still good friends, life.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lookin back through the days..

"Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures.
Remember when some one annoys you it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown.
But it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap him upside the face.

Its been far too long since i've updated here in my blog. Haha very sorry for the superbly long delay. Been going thru alot lately, well mostly good things =) Actually I have plenty of things to blog about but theres just so many that i just got too lazy to post any of them, hence the long break. It sort of forms a chain reaction, you know?

Anyway, looking back through the days, it has just come to my attention that its already passed the half year mark and over shot 2 months, Im in the middle of my PMR trials and my actual PMR exam is in about a months time, and ... well so many things has happened! An entire year is about to pass. Actually, thinking about the entire year, this whole 8 months of 2006 has been a very eventful one. So much has changed since these 8 months, and I think, overall, things changed for the better.

Lets see, in the past 8 months of year 2006, I grasped and learnt <--THIS MUCH--> about love and relationships (which is alot, mind you), I learnt the lesson of taking up too many responsibilities and doing a poor job in everything, the hard way, im afraid =(, I've tasted the wonderful sensation of forgiveness and I finally discovered a piece more about myself. Wow, look at all that stuff, just for a small piece about myself. & I will continue to fill in the pieces as I venture on through the rest of 2006.

Well thats about it, I hope I will pull myself to blog more in the near future. Just check once in a while to see if I update. Need to get on a roll on updates here mates. Sorry about the inactivity. Good luck to everyone and god bless!
